Following the 30th June announcement by the Hon Stephen Jones MP promising to release of the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool modelling, consumers are no closer to understanding the impacts the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool will have on premiums due to Treasury not releasing important aspects of the modelling.
The Federal government have released rating bands for the Cyclone Reinsurance Pool, this information is available in the Finity report released in early July (Click Here).
The rating released has 23 rating bands A to W based on suburb/post code – Treasury have released the rates but are yet to release information on what rating bands apply to which suburbs/post codes. Without this information consumers are unable to understand the reinsurance rates that apply to their property.
ACIL wrote to Treasury from 1 st July to 19th July seeking further clarification of the modelling and we have been advised Treasury are now planning to build a secure online calculator for individual addresses, that consumers will be able to access through the ARPC website. ACIL have been advised that building this calculator is likely to take approximately two months, subject to availability of staff and other resources.
“Consumers are eager to understand the impact the reinsurance pool will have on the cost of insurance. The Federal Government have information on ratings applicable to location available that can be released but are yet to release it. Releasing this information may help relieve cost of living pressures by those in Northern Australia so we wonder why little priority is given to releasing this information. We believe the immediate and timely release of this information is important to provide for greater clarity and transparency of the reinsurance pool.” ACIL Chairperson Tyrone Shandiman said.
ACIL wrote to Stephen Jones MP on 22nd July asking that Treasury release the full modelling or provide further clarification as to why the Federal Government were withholding the release of rating bands that apply to the varying suburbs. ACIL are yet to receive a response.
What does the Modelling released say so far?
The modelling released by Treasury provides the following information:
The Federal Government want to collect $867million per annum in premiums to fund the reinsurance pool.
QLD, NT, WA and a small portion of NSW (North of Port Macquarie) will contribute to the reinsurance pool. With no contributions made by VIC, ACT, SA, TAS and the majority of NSW (south of Port Macquarie).
The maximum standard rate for Wind risks is 0.5000 for every $100 insured. This translates to $500 for every $100,000 insured + GST + Stamp Duty & Insurers Margin (say $600-$700)
The maximum standard rate for Cyclone related flood risks is 0.1000 for every $100 insured. This translates to $100 for every $100,000 insured + GST + Stamp Duty & Insurers Margin (say $120-$140)
The maximum standard rate for Cyclone related Storm Surge risks is 0.0500 for every $100 insured. This translates to $50 for every $100,000 insured + GST + Stamp Duty & Insurers Margin (say $60-$70)
Loading and discounting will apply to standard rates for a range of risk factors including but not limited to sum insured, excess, wall & roof construction, age of property & number of stories.
The premiums shown above are in addition to the insurers standard premiums for all other perils (such as fire, accidental damage, earthquake etc).